Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day


I've written enough about Valentine's Day to last a year, so today I just want to say: 


I think you are super fantastically awesome! (and I don't joke about that!)
No matter what you do today or who you do it with remember that you are a rockstar and people really do love, respect and think you are amazing (even if they don't always say it out loud)! 

In keeping with tradition I'll end with my most favourite joke ever: 

What did the girl melon say when the boy melon proposed marriage?

Yes, but we can't elope! [Get it, cantelope? like the melon? HAHAHAHAHAH]

I know, you rolled your eyes. 

My face when I found out class was cancelled this morning! K-Fran says I look tired and deranged. I think I look excited and thrilled (with a slight tinge of deranged)!
Ok, I have to share these funny puns too, I can't help myself. Valentine's Day puns are the greatest thing ever!

                                                                                     Keep Smiling :) 


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo